What do you do when your friend’s have children that get too rough with the baby? We try to answer this question and more on the newest episode of Mommy Now Mommy Then.
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Show Notes
This week we’ve get into a couple of heated discussions as we talk about a Grandpa who makes inappropriate comments and a working father who leaves all the parenting duties to the mom.
We move onto friends and their kids, as well as a baby who is scared of Grandma. What can we do?
There’s so much to discuss! And we want to hear your reactions as well. What would you do?
Mommy Hacks
At the end of the show, we have a few “hacks” to share with you, and sometimes we recommend products while doing so. We just want to let you know, if we mention a product we will tell you exactly what we think about it, no messing about. Our opinions are definitely our own. Products we recommended on this show (affiliate links):
Our first hack is something that has made both Erika and I feel so much better. The Non Contact Forehead Thermometer takes your temperature without even touching you. It’s easy to use and read. During these awful pandemic times, we take AJ’s temperature maybe too much. Are we a little paranoid? Perhaps, but by taking his temp it makes us feel so much better, and this one is non-invasive. He loves it.
Our second hack is maybe not that new for many of you. It’s buying and installing the Echo Dot. Yes, many people have these to control household appliances, but what about if you have a baby? We like to use the Echo Dot for playing background noise when AJ is sleeping. He loves listening to waves, so we have it on loop. It helps drown out other noises that might wake him up.
Another thing we use it for is music. Remember the old days when you had to buy kids music on CDs and play it on a special player? Now you just tell Alexa what you are interested in and she takes it from there. I love to play “baby songs” and “toddler songs.” You can also pick things like “Disney songs.” It makes it so easy to sing with your little one.
Don’t forget to send us your questions, anecdotes, humorous or daunting situations by going to our main Mommy Now Mommy Then page.